No.127 Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo


Rank : 1
Although this bird is a breeding resident in Asakawa River, the number ofthe sighted bird increases in winter here. Large flocks of the bird,sometimes numbering as large as hundreds, fly headwards over Tama Riveronto Asakawa River. However, the number varies significantly from year toyear – sometimes they donft show up at all. During flight in a flock, theyfly, in many cases, in lines or wedges, including Little Egrets and GreatEgrets.Great Cormorant dives for foraging. A large flock almost eatsup all small fish in the river.

Great Cormorant (Adult)

Great Cormorant (Nuptial colour)

Great Cormorant (Flock)

Often perches with wings spread wide open. It is said that the bird needs to spread its wings to dry up its non-water-repelling wings unlike other waterfowl.